Episode 28 - The Path to the Black Lodge

Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast show

Summary: John Justice Wheeler shows Audrey his "plane", Major Briggs checks out the local terrain, hand shakes drive the townspeople insane...and is that BOB coming back again? We've got torches to light the the path to the Black Lodge...you coming with us? Agent Cooper finally realizes that Windom Earle is playing by a different set of rules, and with the clock ticking, the race is on to discover what the game is and how to beat him. It begins to dawn on him that maybe Earle didn't come to Twin Peaks for him...that maybe his goal all along was something of far greater and more devastating import... Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone, Major Briggs is abducted in the woods by Windom Earle, who seems hell-bent on extracting as much information from his former Project Blue Book colleague as he can. Cooper takes Annie dancing, and has a warning visit from The Giant. There's something wrong here, indeed. Because up in the woods...in the dark of night...near a circle of sycamores... Also: Lucy's gonna pick a baby daddy! Ben has a plan to raise the visibility of Stop Ghostwood! Donna discovers her birth certificate! Audrey and Jack take their relationship to the next level! Put your right hand in and shake it all about: it's episode 2x20 of Twin Peaks, and things are definitely heating up! Notes: - Would be seriously remiss if we didn't credit John Thorne's amazing Twin Peaks bible "The Essential Wrapped in Plastic" here, again, for providing us with a host of amazing facts and tidbits, including the quote about the Dugpas. It truly is an essential book, a must-have for fans! - Haloperidol is an antipsychotic used to treat a variety of conditions, from schizophrenia to Tourette's, manic phases in people with bipolar disorder, and alcohol withdrawal. It's not known to be useful as a truth serum the way that Windom Earle seems to use it here, and it's doubtful it would *cause* delirium in someone who was otherwise healthy...but we'll let it slide, because who really knows what's in the syringe? - The words spoken backwards by the Major seem to be "That gum you like is going to come back in style", according to folks at Nerdist in their episode recap (http://nerdist.com/twin-peaks-revisited-episode-28-the-path-to-the-black-lodge/) We were unable to play the file that we found and couldn't make heads or tails of what we recorded and then played backwards, so if you have a better guess or an answer to the question of what the Major is saying, hit us up! We'd love to hear it!