Is the legal protection different if the disclosed "red notice "suspect is an Australian PR or citizen?

Mandarin show

Summary: Last week, a number of Chinese media reported that one 'red notices' suspect was hiding in Sydney, which widely caused concern. In the case of without the "China-Australia Extradition Treaty" between the two countries, would the media reported l... (上周,多个中文媒体报道了有关中国红通人员被曝潜藏悉尼的消息,引发关注。在两国并未签署中澳引渡条约的情况下,媒体报道的执法途径是否是可行的?如果被举报人是澳大利亚永久居民或公民,所受到的法律保护是否有所不同?本台记者采访了安润律师行的张卓轩律师。她首先提到了举报中国外逃腐败分子的说法。)