6: Don't make me write UI!

Code Podcast show

Summary: Why is it so hard to write and maintain UI code? How can we make it easier? On one hand, we've talked with people who design UI APIs we all use. On the other, we've interviewed those who try to reinvent UI development. Discussion: https://discuss.codepodcast.com/t/episode-6-dont-make-me-write-ui/44 Episode produced by: Andrey Salomatin https://twitter.com/flpvsk Michael Beschastnov michael@codepodcast.com Guests: Steven Tomlinson https://www.linkedin.com/in/bowler-hat/ Casey Muratori https://twitter.com/cmuratori Rik Arends https://twitter.com/rikarends Domenic Denicola https://twitter.com/domenic Yegor Jbanov https://twitter.com/yegorjbanov ## Links: Casey ImGui introduction video https://mollyrocket.com/861 "IMGUI Yay or Nay" http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/24103/immediate-gui-yae-or-nay dear imgui https://github.com/ocornut/imgui React https://facebook.github.io/react/ ## Links: Rik Makepad https://makepad.github.io/makepad Cloud 9 https://c9.io/ "Rik Arends: Beyond HTML and CSS: Fusing Javascript and shaders | JSConf EU 2014" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8xxz-YeWtk ## Links: Domenic "The Extensible Web" article by Domenic https://blog.domenic.me/the-extensible-web/ "How to Win Friends and Influence Standards Bodies" talk by Domenic https://www.slideshare.net/domenicdenicola/how-to-win-friends-and-influence-standards-bodies ## Links: Yegor https://flutter.io https://flutter.io/design-principles https://flutter.io/testing ## Music Mid-Air! @mid_air