Advanced Audio Blog S2 #23 - Music in Hong Kong: Beyond

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- BEYOND(上) 以黃家駒為靈魂嘅BEYOND樂隊,係年輕人嘅上帝,因為佢哋音樂嘅理想主義特徵,佢哋特別能夠打動嗰啲十幾二十歲嘅後生仔,而佢哋嘅音樂,亦喺一代又一代嘅年輕人中傳唱不息。隨便行過任何廣東話地區嘅縣城鄉鎮,都可以經常聽到BEYOND嘅音樂。 回想當年,我心目中曾經覺得非常惋惜,因為方言嘅障礙,粵語地區以外嘅人就唔能夠理解,或者講,錯過呢支咁出色嘅樂隊,實在係一大遺憾——但時間進入一個新嘅世紀以嚟,越來越使人驚喜咁發現,喺十幾年嘅時間裏面,喺冇任何嘅宣傳之下,呢支經典嘅樂隊卻喺全國各地星火燎原,以自己感人嘅力量,振奮千千萬萬嘅人,打動千千萬萬嘅人。佢哋超越咗語言嘅阻隔,再一次證明“音樂無界限”。 時間已經做出審判,BEYOND的確係一支偉大嘅樂隊。 ----English---- Beyond Wong Ka Kui was the soul of the band BEYOND and a music god to the younger generation. The idealistic style of his band deeply moved people between the ages of ten and twenty, and their music continues to be accepted by generation after generation; you can hear it walking through the streets of any Cantonese-speaking city or town. Many years ago, I thought it was a pity that only Cantonese speakers could understand the true meaning and the beautiful messages in Beyond's music. But after we stepped into the new century, more and more people have discovered this classic band without exposure to public advertisements. Thousands of people are deeply moved by their enormous power in music. They have proven to us that there are truly no borders in music and that time will recognize excellent music. Beyond is a truly successful band. ----Jyutping---- ji5 wong4 gaa1 keoi1 wai4 ling4 wan4 ge3 BEYOND ngok6 deoi2,hai6 nin4 hing1 jan4 ge3 soeng6 dai3,jan1 wai6 keoi5 dei6 jam1 ngok6 ge3 lei5 soeng2 zyu2 ji6 dak6 zing1,keoi5 dei6 dak6 bit6 nang4 gau3 daa2 dung6 ge3 hai6 sap6 gei2 ji6 sap6 seoi3 ge3 hau6 saang1 zai2,ji4 keoi5 dei6 ge3 jam1 ngok6,jik6 hai2 jat1 doi6 jau6 jat1 doi6 ge3 nin4 hing1 jan4 zung1 cyun4 coeng3 bat1 sik1。ceoi4 bin2 haang4 gwo3 jam6 ho4 gwong2 dung1 waa2 dei6 keoi1 ge3 jyun6 sing4 hoeng1 zan3,dou1 ho2 ji5 ging1 soeng4 teng1 dou3 BEYOND ge3 jam1 ngok6。 wui4 soeng2 dong1 nin4,ngo5 sam1 muk6 zung1 cang4 ging1 gok3 dak1 fei1 soeng4 jyun2 sik1,jan1 wai6 fong1 jin4 ge3 zoeng3 ngoi6,jyut6 jyu5 dei6 keoi1 zi1 ngoi6 ge3 jan4 zau6 m4 nang4 gau3 lei5 gaai2,waak6 ze2 gong2,co3 gwo3 ni1 zi1 gam3 ceot1 sik1 ge3 ngok6 deoi2,sat6 zoi6 hai6 jat1 daai6 wai4 ham6——daan6 si4 gaan3 zeon3 jap6 jat1 go3 san1 ge3 sai3 gei2 ji5 lai4,jyut6 loi4 jyut6 si2 jan4 ging1 hei2 gam2 faat3 jin6,hai2 sap6 gei2 nin4 ge3 si4 gaan3 leoi5 min6,hai2 mou5 jam6 ho4 ge3 syun1 cyun4 zi1 haa6,ni1 zi1 ging1 din2 ge3 ngok6 deoi6 koek3 hai2 cyun4 gwok3 gok3 dei6 sing1 fo2 liu4 jyun4,ji5 zi6 gei2 gam2 jan4 ge3 lik6 loeng4,zan3 fan5 cin1 cin1 maan6 maan6 ge3 jan4,daa2 dung6 cin1 cin1 maan6 maan6 ge3 jan4。keoi5 dei6 ciu1 jyut6 zo2 jyu5 jin4 ge3 zo2 gaak3,zoi3 ci3 zing3 ming4 “jam1 ngok6 mou4 gaai3 haan6”。 si4 gaan3 ji5 ging1 zou6 ceot1 sam2 pun3,BEYOND dik1 kok3 hai6 jat1 zi1 wai5 daai6 ge3 ngok6 deoi2。 --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!