The Jason Stapleton Program - Chris Matthews Helps Maxine Waters Plant Fake Story Studio show

Summary: I know, I know the term Fake News is getting way to much play right now. Everything is getting classified as “fake news” but to me the real travesty in American journalism today is just how little journalism is happening. Today’s is an excellent example of that. Chirs Matthews had Rep. Maxine Waters on his show to talk about her refusal to attend Trump’s inauguration on the 20th. Maxine talked about her support for Rep. Lewis and what she thought Lewis meant when he said Trump was not a “legitimate president.” Then she went off the rails suggesting investigations might be forthcoming to determine if the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to help get Trump elected. Not only did Chris not call her on the carpet for the unsubstantiated claim he ran with it, asking Maxine what she thought should be done IF such a connection could be made. Today I’m going to take you play by play through the exchange and explain exactly how the media plants a false story using tactics like this and then treats them as though they are legitimate questions that deserve answers. It’s a great show, don’t miss it. Jason