Emergency Pod: The Last Jedi Trailer

One Perfect Pod show

Summary: At Star Wars Celebration Orlando, Lucasfilm debuted the first trailer for the next Star Wars film, The Last Jedi. Luke is back and he's got opinions. Rey is back and she's training. BB-8 is back and he's Buster Keaton. We talk about all this an more with Star Wars expert Da7e Gonzales. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@OnePerfectPod) and Facebook (facebook.com/oneperfectshot). Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, on TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow host Neil Miller (@rejects) and guest Dave Gonzales (@da7e). We'd very much appreciate your feedback, as well. Leave us a review on iTunes or email us: pod@filmschoolrejects.com. Thanks for listening!