Beauty And The Box Office

One Perfect Pod show

Summary: Disney's Beauty and the Beast crossed $1 billion at the box office this week. That's not bad for being a remake, something Everyone Online™ hates with the passion of a thousand suns. As it turns out, fans will follow Disney just about everywhere -- to a certain extent. To unravel this tale for this week's Big Idea, Neil talks to his friend Jenn, a die hard Beauty and the Beast fan, and Film School Rejects' box office expert Christopher Campbell about why some remakes work where others fail miserably. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@OnePerfectPod) and Facebook ( Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, on TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow host Neil Miller (@rejects). We’d very much appreciate your feedback, as well. Leave us a review on iTunes or email us: This week's closing music comes from Josh Setterfield on Soundcloud, the opening music comes from Tracer Productions, and the middle music comes from Aaron M. Music.