Podcast Episode 19: Fish, Alicia and Barrett the Dog

Fish with Friends show

Summary: <p>The Theme is Kids.  Alicia popped in the Fish Plex to fill in for Joey who had to cancel last minute.  You could call this “What the Hell Are you Guys Doing?”, but everything in this Episode does revolve around kids with some surprises within that you won’t want to miss out on.  Like what huge mistake did Fish make with the ladies when he was with “Connie and Fish”.   Random stories going on in our world from a kid got the best “make a wish” ever, a 12 year old takes a car jacker to #poundtown and proof positive that watching old #AdamSandler movies can turn you into a super dad.  Secrets was “What would your kids be shocked to find out about you”?  In Fish or Cut Bait, can a father and son be eskimo brothers?  Should her Father in Law be raising his grandson and bedding his daughter in law?  Finally, in a story to make you feel better about your life, have you ever been called Fat and not done anything about it?  This woman went to the Extreme.</p>