Amelia Boone on achievement and growing through obstacles PH53

Pursuing Health show

Summary: Amelia Boone is a full-time corporate attorney and one of the world's most decorated obstacle racers. Since the sport's inception five years ago, she's amassed more than 30 victories and 50 podiums. Some of her career highlights include:<br> <br> 3x winner of the World's Toughest Mudder (2012, 2014, 2015)<br> Spartan Race World Champion 2013<br> Spartan Race Points Series Champion (2013 &amp; 2015)<br> 3x Death Race Finisher (Winter 2012, Summer 2012, Summer 2013)<br> <br> I've admired Amelia's drive and success in balancing her athletic and legal careers, and I've looked to her as an inspiration for my own journey competing the the CrossFit Games while in medical school. I was so glad to finally have the opportunity to sit down and get to know Amelia near her home in the San Francisco Bay area - we had a lot to talk about!