Episode 151 - Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from L.A.

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: It's WORLD WAR WIVES on the podcast this week as we invite on a recently married movie geek couple, Dave from the Super Movie Bros & his wife Lauren, to discuss the John Carpenter/Kurt Russell double feature of Big Trouble in Little China (1986) and Escape from L.A. (1996)! Unfortunately, things go downhill very very quickly when the ladies bring the hatred heat on one film in particular. From there, it's touch and go as the men are forced to play extreme defense and all try to come to a common place on what the crap is going on with either of these flicks. Questions are posed - like is Big Trouble worth your trouble? Is Kurt Russell a sexy slab of man beer and/or an overactor? Did you know Snake Plisskin was an actual character's name in one of these movies? What happened in Cleveland with that dude anyways? Which is cooler - surfing onto moving cars or hanggliding with a machine gun? Plus IMDB "trivia,"  we play 'The Newlywed Game' and debate over which 'Friends' characters we each are!? Like our podcast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MovieGeekCast! Subscribe and if you want to ride the Porkchop Express, please leave us a positive rating and review on iTunes first! We'll give you a virtual high five and a sexy shout out on the show! You can also email us any questions, comments and eyepatch selfies to moviegeekcast (at) gmail (dot) com! Thanks for listening!