Drop the Ball {Tiffany Dufu}

Heroine show

Summary: Are you a fixer who loves taking responsibility and caring for others, but feel like you have too much on your plate? You’re not alone. Today’s episode features Tiffany Dufu, Chief Leadership Officer at Levo League and author of the new book Drop the Ball – a must-read for all of us trying to do everything ourselves and struggling to embrace imperfection. <br><br>Tiffany’s gems of wisdom include the value of delegating with joy, a concept she calls “strategic chaos”, and the three attributes to look for in a partner before you build a life with them. She also talks about motherhood as the last frontier of dropping the ball.<br><br>Show Notes:<br>-Tiffany growing up: An imaginative “good girl” who experienced early on a sense of injustice that sparked a feminist spirit. [5:25]<br>-Trying to be valued and liked in her teenage years, plus the benefit of experiencing failure at a young age. [9:59]<br>-College years, realizing she had more options than she’d been shooting for, and how she got into the nonprofit world. [15:11]<br>-On the specialness of millennials and the powerful meaning behind the title of her book. [20:33]<br>-How Tiffany and her husband fell into default mode when it came to the division of domestic labor – and what they did when that didn’t work. [25:10]<br>-How to delegate tasks in a meaningful way and other essential tips for busy women. [31:39]<br>-Learning to live with chaos: An incredibly amusing story that resulted in restored balance at home. [36:49]<br>-Exploring our social conditioning as women, and how to stay focused on what matters most. [42:40]<br>-Tiffany shares why motherhood is the final frontier in “dropping the ball”, plus the three attributes any partner of yours should have. [45:30]<br>-On our relationships with our mothers, having a greater sense of service, and Tiffany’s final thoughts. [51:52]<br><br>References:<br>Check out Tiffany’s website and find her new book, available now, at <a href="http://tiffanydufu.com/" rel="noopener">http://tiffanydufu.com/</a><br><br>Episode Sponsors:<br>UENO – <a href="https://ueno.co/careers" rel="noopener">https://ueno.co/careers</a><br>Adobe Creative Residency – <a href="http://adobe.com/go/creativeresidency" rel="noopener">http://adobe.com/go/creativeresidency</a> <br><br>Music by Lucia Lilikoi – lucia.bandcamp.com