We Can Be Saved

Turning the Tide, Saving the Chesapeake Bay show

Summary: <br> CBF President Will Baker talks with Tangier Mayor James “Ooker” Eskridge about the Chesapeake Bay that has provided for his beloved island and now threatens to take it away.<br> See one of our <a href="http://cbf.typepad.com/chesapeake_bay_foundation/2013/12/photo-of-the-week-beauty-promise-and-peril-on-tangier-island.html">Photos of the Week</a> of Tangier Island and find out how <a href="http://www.cbf.org/issues/climate-change/sea-level-rise">CBF is helping find nature-based solutions</a> to sea-level rise.<br> -Photo by Tom Pelton<br>