DKSP EP17: Why You Shouldn’t Buy Another Social Media Advertising Course

DKSpeaks Podcast: Internet Marketing, Blogging and Social Media Tips show

Summary:  <br> <br> What was the last internet marketing course that you bought?<br> There is an 80% chance that it was a course to do with some social media advertising – most probably Facebook ads, and which promised you that you will make a ton of money, running these ads.<br> Where did it end up?<br> Did you actually make any money?<br> Hello and welcome to Episode 17 of The DKSpeaks Podcast. I am back after a gap of a week. The last few days were extremely hectic and I desperately wanted to take some time out with my family. And I just decided to set off. You know this is one of the flexibility with this business. You don’t really have to rely on your BOSS to approve your leaves. I spent a few days away from the hustle and bustle of the city in a nice hill station named Coorg. Coorg is known for its coffee plantations and if you ever get a chance to visit India, then you should surely visit Coorg once.<br> When I came back I saw that my inbox was full of mails from marketers promoting the latest launches. And while most of them were on software launches, there were a few that was promoting some of the latest courses. And some of them were courses that taught you how to run ads on Social Media sites and build your list using it.<br> Social Media Advertising – What You Need to Know?<br> Social Media ads are the most talked about topic these days. And every course promises you to help build your business with social media ads. It is true to a great extent that today social media ads can help you build your business. The traffic is cheap, it is targetted and it converts well. But all of this only if you understand how to do it the right way. Else even social media traffic is the same as that of Google Adwords or, just about any other paid traffic source. You will get burnt. Your investments will drain out faster you would have added them to your account.<br> But what is the right way?<br> It is this right way that every other course promises to teach you. But do they really do it? What is the difference in each of these courses that are released pretty much on the same topic. Let’s take an example – Facebook ads. There are numerous courses out there that talks about teaching you a secret sauce that you could use with Facebook ads and then make money or, build your list. But is there really a secret sauce?<br> The Secret Sauce in running Social Media Ads<br> Let us get this straight. There is no secret sauce in internet marketing or, for that matter any business. You need to do the basics and then test. Keep testing until you find what works. Or, follow what works and just do it repeatedly. But do you really think that someone who has discovered “What works” will share it with you for free? They will not. In fact it is this “What works” that these courses promise to teach you by charging you. But they will never share that winning campaign of theirs unless they know that it doesn’t work anymore.<br> Do you really think that there will be a different “What works” in each of these courses? There isn’t. Because what works is plain and simple. It depends upon you, the time you spend, the money you put in and how you test your market. The process to do is all the same – it is the basics.<br> So wouldn’t it be better if you just spent some time learning the basics and then invest time to analyze the results and pick the one that works for you.<br> I ran ads in the body-building niche on Facebook some 10 months back. I started off with a crude ad and spent about $5.00 to test the market. There was a product on Clickbank that I was promoting. The ad didn’t generate any worthy traffic. I refined the ad and I kept doing it until I found people clicking on it. Then I started refining the landing page. I did it until I found that people were entering their email address into it.