The cost of procrastination in your life

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Think about the promises you’ve made to yourself in the past. Of all the promises and commitments you have made to yourself, how many have you kept? Most people find that the gap between their intentions and their actions is too vast, and fall short of doing what is required to achieve their goals. Incredibly, most of us continue to believe that we will follow through “next time” rather than taking action to make our current goal a reality. Our lack of ability to commit to taking action prevents us from achieving personal, financial, relationship, and career goals that would otherwise be well within our reach. Have you ever considered the cost of poor follow through in your life? Think about a goal that you have failed to meet in the past. Was your failure to follow through a by-product of the fact that you were really okay with the way things were to begin with? Or does the poor follow through bother you? Does the knowledge that you didn’t follow through with your goals eat you up inside because you know you aren’t doing what you need to do to get the result you say you want? As long as we continue to expect our “good” intentions to work the way they should instead of facing reality about the probability of following through, we’ll just keep repeating the same mistakes. Maybe procrastination is something that should be no longer acceptable in your life. When we rationalize with ourselves to avoid completing necessary tasks we are only holding ourselves back from getting what we desire. This is why the best performers and athletes have coaches, and so should you. We are human. It’s okay. Get help!