How to Reduce and Eliminate Time Wasters from our Life

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: The bottom line is that anyone who has a demanding career or runs their own business has to practice excellent time management, effective delegation and learning to say the word, “No.” It’s just not possible to maintain the simple life while achieving a high level of success and with today’s technology; it’s harder to hide when you need a break. Your email inbox is dinging, your cell phone is ringing, and your spouse or significant other is trying to call you on the car phone because your cell phone is busy. It is at this point that you have to filter the input so you can begin to regain control over your life. As good as you think you may be with your time management; there are probably “time-wasters” that can be eliminated from your daily life. The goal is to slow down and be focused on the highest pay-off activities that will produce the results you desire in the timeframe you want – personally and professionally. The goal is not to figure out how to move faster. It’s impossible to create more hours in the day and it’s simply not healthy to run at full tilt constantly. Learn how to eliminate the time-wasters in your life to improve your quality of life and success. Stop trying to make something “perfect” right now when it is effective the way it is. It may never be “perfect.” Time-wasters do nothing but impede or delay the ideal life you are committed to creating. The good news is they are simple to eliminate. They simply become something you used to do when you were okay with staying where you were. The difference now is that you are ready to move on and create your ideal life – and letting them go is a snap.