Eliminate The No Longer Acceptables in Your Life

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about reducing or eliminating the things that are No Longer Acceptable in Your Life. Many of us say we’re going to make changes to eliminate the things we don‘t like about our life, but few of us actually commit to improving the quality of our life. We stay in a job we don’t like and in a relationship that does not serve us, and blame our circumstances on the “hand” we’ve been dealt in life. If you have ever felt like this - it’s time to get a dose of reality. Whether you’re sick of your financial situation, your health or destructive relationships, you have the power to eliminate the “no longer acceptables” in your life and create the life you want and deserve. Creating the life you want simply begins with a choice - you choose to eliminate the “no longer acceptables” in your life. Changing your life circumstances is that easy. You choose your desired reality instead of your current reality, and commit to doing whatever it takes in order to create it. While some people will live their entire life believing they are bound by their current circumstances, it does not have to be that way for you. Eliminating those things you find yourself being most unhappy with will allow so much more peace and emotional space. You will feel like a new person when you finally eliminate the things that have been holding you back from what you really want. We are discussing some practical steps you can take to start eliminating the “no longer acceptables” from your life: You deserve so much more than you currently have, but it’s up to you to do something about it. You can’t make improvements until you eliminate the “no longer acceptables” from your life. Aim for what you want each and every day! For more information go to www.AccountabilityCoach.com.