TFM 38: Are You a Product of Your Environment?

Truth Reconstructed show

Summary: In this episode of the True Family Men Podcast we chat about being a product of your Environment. Does the way we were raised as children effect us now as adults, if so are we stuck the way we are. I believe there is hope. That hope can be found in God. I sometimes forget what God promises us in his word and when we lay claim of them our lives can completely change.<br> <br> Recently I was praying and asking the lord what to speak on this week and he laid this verse on my heart <br> <br> 2 Corinthians 5:17 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.<br> <br> As I began praying about this verse the rest of the week I realized I have never truly laid claim to what it means to be a new creation in christ. I am not a product of my environment! When I took on the blood of Christ and gave my life over to him, I was mad new. I took on a new reality, beliefs, values, and desires. I am now a new creation. We are now new creations and don't have to be products of our environment and how we were raised.<br> <br> Connect With The Community<br> <br> Mastermind&gt;&gt;<br> <br> Show Notes&gt;&gt;<br> <br> Like the Facebook Page&gt;&gt;<br> <br> Twitter&gt;&gt;