Episode 37: Inciting A Tarot Riot

Inciting A Riot show

Summary: Episode 37 of Inciting A Riot: the Podcast finds us Inciting A Tarot Riot! Today’s show is a special hour-long interview with Liz Christy of Lizzie’s Logic the blog. (LizziesLogic.blogspot.com) She schools us on tarot history, lore, magical practice, how-to’s, and a whole lot more. Liz has been kind enough to offer to answer any questions, so email IncitingARiotPodcast@gmail.com if you’d like Liz to perform a reading or simply answer your queries! Make sure to enter this month’s swag draw to win the Kelley Armstrong or Marjorie M. Liu books BEFORE THEY HIT STORE SHELVES! Please continue to vote for the show on Podcast Alley, vote, subscribe to, and rate the show on iTunes, join the TwitterRiot by following me @IncitingARiot, enter the Swag Contest through a donation or purchase of swag through the CafePress.com swag shop, take a gander at my articles on Examiner.com, and send your questions, comments, gripes, or complaints to IncitingARiotPodcast@gmail.com Love and Lyte, Fire Lyte Home Page: http://www.IncitingARiot.com Podcast Alley: http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=86829 Examiner: http://www.examiner.com/x-43503-Chicago-Pagan-Activism-Examiner iTunes: http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=337689333 Twitter: http://twitter.com/IncitingARiot Swag Shop: http://cafepress.com/IncitingARiot Project Pagan Enough: http://www.incitingariot.com/p/project-pagan-enough.html