Episode 150 - Die Hard 2/Die Hard with a Vengeance

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: Episode 150! We made it! So this week we end #ManlyMovieMarch in an extremely explosive manner with 2 sequels to only the best Christmas movie of all time! It's a #DrunkHard experience with a "dangerous" batch of Sangria, Die Hard 2 (1990) and Die Hard with a Vegeance (1995)! And because it's such a special episode, there's also a brand new edition of #MysterySnackChallenge and A Few Good Questions! The discussion includes us asking many questions of ourselves like - Which movie is better! What's up with his marriage and what kind of friend would John McClane be? Why you gotta treat Carl Winslow like that? What is *happening* in Die Hard 2? Naked tai chi? What's your favorite kind of movie explosive? IMDB "trivia!" Plus much more! Like our podcast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @MovieGeekCast! Subscribe and if you want to take us to play Simon Says, please leave us a positive rating and review on iTunes first! We'll give you a virtual high five and a sexy shout out on the show! You can also email us any questions, comments and future snack ideas to moviegeekcast (at) gmail (dot) com! Thanks for listening!