#56: Business Case for Sustainability

Sustainable Business Weekly show

Summary: "Are we any closer to being able to consistently demonstrate the business case for sustainability?" <br> <br> Is this one of the remaining unsolved aspects of sustainability strategy and implementation?  Any internet searches on the subject reveal thousands of hits.  Everybody seems to have an opinion, so surely within all of this there must be an answer? <br> <br> But reading some of the results, I can’t find anything particularly radical or new.  You can almost summarise a lot of the material into two key benefits: having an effective sustainability programme can 1) drive down costs and 2) generate growth. There is also discussion of some of the intangible benefits, although there appear to be few facts and figures  that would enable me to provide a truly effective response to the anticipated “so what” and “by how much” questions in the boardroom. <br> <br> In a discussion with Vanessa of 2 degrees I have shared some of my thoughts on why this remains such a challenging area, as well as why I believe that we may at last be making some progress. <br> <br> -<a href="http://www.2degreesnetwork.com/profiles/sally-vivian/">Sally Vivian, URS</a>