Episode 163 - Look for the Good

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: The answer to where I've been for the past month. Blacker PodKAL has started, go sign up in their group for a coupon at their stand in Edinburgh Yarn Fest Edinburgh Yarn Fest has WoolTribe 2 out on 23 January 2017.  Also get your ticket for the event. My CCC2017 Retreat is full! I would take a waiting list of names if you like though. I mention Knit Your Love by Martina Behm and Newale by Cecily Glowick Macdonald We drink a Tamnavulin Single Malt Whisky and have you all around for the party of the year. Get me on Raverly as Louise Hunt I'm on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter as CaithnessCraft Podcast is hosted on www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com Music is from Free Music Archive Entertainment for the Braindead by A Friend as I like the little birdie noses.