Emergent Faith as a process of faith & doubt

mootuk show

Summary: Ian Mobsby, one of the co-founders of the Moot Community, explores the example of Thomas in the way of discipleship. In a world of increasing fanaticism, the place of faith and doubt as a mechanism that drives mature faith formation of the grey and not the 'black and white' is crucial to our journey of faith. Thomas enables us all to have hope that as we go through cycles of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction, that we are growing into out 'human becomingness' In fact Jesus even models this process in his own life of incarnation (birth, blessing, construction), testing & crucifixion (deconstruction) and resurrection (reconstruction). It is not an easy journey for us to follow. But it is not a journey where will not be tested and doubt. Being a 'back-slider' is an authentic part of the journey. Those who don't, are stuck in fundamentalism. The Emerging church, is inspiring us to live with an emerging faith.