The Man Who Would be King.

Waffle On Podcast show

Summary: Waffle On About The Man Who Would be King. This episode has been desperate to break out of the Waffle On lads brains since the podcast started three years ago. Michael Caine and Sean Connery star along side Christopher Plummer and Saeed Jaffrey in the wonderful John Huston film The Man Who Would be King. Released in 1975 this film is based on the short story by Rudyard Kipling and follows the exploits of Peachy Carnehan (Caine) and Daniel Dravot (Connery) as they attempt to become rich by forging a army out of the small villages in India and Afghanistan. Remember we have a Facebook page, just head to Facebook and type in waffle on podcast in the search bar and join the group. Emails to Thanks for listening. Meds & Kell