Emergency Pod: The Justice League Trailer

One Perfect Pod show

Summary: With the release of the first full Justice League movie trailer, we can't wait for a regularly scheduled episode. This requires an Emergency Pod. Joining host Neil Miller to talk through the highs and lows of the latest Zack Snyder offering is Gizmodo/io9's Germain Lussier. They talk DC fandom, Zack Snyder's literal darkness, visiting the set, what they like about this trailer, and what gives them reason to worry. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@OnePerfectPod) and Facebook (facebook.com/oneperfectshot). Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, on TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow host Neil Miller (@rejects) and guest Germain Lussier (@germainlussier). We'd very much appreciate your feedback, as well. Leave us a review on iTunes or email us: pod@filmschoolrejects.com. This week's closing music is by Dr. Frankenstein, via FreeMusicArchive.org. Thanks for listening!