Emergency Pod: Joss Whedon's Batgirl

One Perfect Pod show

Summary: This week, Warner Bros. announced that they are in development on a solo Batgirl movie that will be written, produced, and directed by Joss Whedon. To break it down, Neil talks to VanityFair.com writer and podcaster extraordinaire Joanna Robinson about Joss Whedon's fit, the film's comic starting point, and who they'd cast in the titular role. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@OnePerfectPod) and Facebook (facebook.com/oneperfectshot). Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, on TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow host Neil Miller (@rejects) and guest Joanna Robinson (@jowrotethis). We'd very much appreciate your feedback, as well. Leave us a review on iTunes or email us: pod@filmschoolrejects.com. This week's music comes from Andy McSteel and Wally Clark on Soundcloud. Thanks for listening!