The Big Idea: First They Did Whitewashing, Then They Made it Worse

One Perfect Pod show

Summary: Whitewashing. It's the practice of casting a white actor in a role that originally was portrayed by a non-white person. And it's a conversation that has reached a new peak this week following the release of Marvel's Iron Fist and Paramount's Ghost in the Shell. To explore these properties, the conversations around them, and how each production just couldn’t stop itself from making things worse, Neil talks to Keith Chow, editor in chief of The Nerds of Color dot org, and Angie Han, movies reporter at Mashable. This week's supplemental reading: Five Showrunners Who Could Have Gotten Iron Fist Right, by Keith Chow: Ghost in the Shell review, by Angie Han: Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@OnePerfectPod) and Facebook ( Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, on TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also follow host Neil Miller (@rejects) and guests Keith Chow (@the_real_chow) and Angie Han (@ajhan). We'd very much appreciate your feedback, as well. Leave us a review on iTunes or email us: This week's music comes from the original soundtracks of the original and new Ghost in the Shell films. Thanks for listening!