Hell of a Pilot Episode 8: When did you get a cat?

Hell of a Pilot: X-Wing Podcast show

Summary: <br> Ladies, gentlemen and Wookies of an GRRRRRRRRRR age welcome to Episode 8 of "Hell of a Pilot". <br> This episode we speculate on Wave 11. We discuss Wookie Gunships, Imperial TLT's and Scrrrrruuugggg bombers. <br> <br> Just how tanky is the Wookie Gunship<br> Mike vows to fly four Tie Aggressors with TLT to troll Rebel players<br> The guys debate how ugly the Scrug model is<br> What does this mean for the future of the meta? <br> <br> In our pilot lore section we discuss an incredibly obscure pilot and character in Star Wars. <br> Also don't forget to send us pictures of your customised ships to share on our FaceBook page. <br> And remember, when in doubt focus!<br>