#18 Python 3 has some amazing types and you can now constructively insult your shell!

Python Bytes show

Summary: **#1 Brian:[pdir2](https://github.com/laike9m/pdir2)** * Nice use of animated gif to showcase what it does. * It’s a replacement for `dir()` to use interactively. * `pip install pdir2` , but `import pdir` . * `pdir(something)` gives you all that `dir()` does, but splits things into categories like exceptions, functions, attributes, … * each item on one line, and includes the first line of the docstring for the item. * Also, uses colors nicely. (Except I need to run it in a shell with non-black background on my mac or I can’t see the docstring output. ) * Hugely useful if you use `dir()` interactively. *