43: How I Upleveled My Business With a Coach

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Summary: Ever found yourself stuck, in business or in life? Feeling like you know you are capable of achieving and doing more, but at the moment you’re not at that level?<br> <br> Personally, I struggled with that for years as a budding entrepreneur. I was willing to work harder than any of my peers, but it didn’t seem to matter what I touched, it never turned to gold until two things changed…<br> <br> The first change was I needed to narrow my niche. I needed to become laser focused on exactly who I wanted to serve and exactly what problem I wanted to solve for my niche.<br> <br> It was the second change that actually made a much bigger difference for me, however… <br> <br> I had just sold a business for a large sum at age 30, thinking I should have felt on top of the world at that point, and I actually felt the exact opposite. I felt empty, hollow, and purposeless.<br> <br> After floundering for a bit, a few things aligned and I ended up working with a very expensive business coach ($36,000) per year.<br> <br> She changed my life.<br> <br> She presented me with a question I had never thought of…<br> <br> “Nick, what pisses you off?”<br> <br> I had no idea what pissed me off?? <br> <br> But, as I thought about it, it became clear that I hated knowing there are people out there not living up to their potential, people who hate their jobs, people missing time with their families due to work, and I wanted to do something about it.<br> <br> In under 90 days of starting with Suzanne (my $36,000 coach) I had made my entire $36,000 back, and more. I went on to make several hundred thousand dollars within my first year of working with her and following her advice.<br> <br> Would I have gotten to the same place without her advice?<br> <br> Perhaps.<br> <br> But, the key is, how much longer would it have taken to try to do it without her?<br> <br> That was the value she provided for me, a shortcut to my success.<br> <br> There are so many things you can do to “fast forward” your results.<br> <br> I’ve put these tips and teachings into a free webinar that I wanted to share with you. I’m calling it “The Entrepreneur’s Shortcut”. <br> <br> If you get even one tip out of it that helps you accelerate your results, then it’s well worth it. (I’m confident you’re going to get a lot more than that though!)<br> <br> To get free access, just go to LifeOnFireWebinar.com!<br> <br> We can’t wait to see you on the live webinar!!<br> <br> Make it a great day!!