44: Mike Filsaime - Inside the Mind and Home of an Internet Marketing Godfather!

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Summary: We’re here today with one of the founding fathers of internet marketing, Mike Filsaime!<br> <br> Mike’s story of how he first got starting in internet marketing dates all the way back to 1988, before the term “internet marketing” even existed!<br> <br> From the beginning, Mike had always applied a “marketers mindset” to computers and the internet (which has served him incredibly well).<br> <br> At one point he had started his first significant online business and was actually making more than his 6-figure day job as general manager at a car dealership.<br> <br> One day his boss literally pulled him aside and make him choose career paths right there on the spot!<br> <br> Lucky for us, he chose internet marketing! <br> <br> When it comes to being successful in business, or in anything, really, mindset is a huge component.<br> <br> Mike quotes the famous acknowledgement that your income is the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. So, pay attention to who you surround yourself with!<br> <br> From there, his mindset advice is to not allow money to be the focus of your needs and what you do. If meeting your needs requires downsizing, going from two cars down to one, and so on, then perhaps that’s a way to make sure you’re meeting your own needs faster, so that you can free up your mind from that worry.<br> <br> Next is networking… One of Mike’s biggest pieces of advice when it comes to networking is to show up ready to give first. If you show up with a “me” attitude, it’s going to negatively affect your relationship building and networking.<br> <br> When then dive into marketing and Mike’s first piece of advice is don’t get caught up in technology. Your knowledge of how the technology works has little to no impact on how much money your marketing makes.<br> <br> As Mike puts it, your income is directly related to the amount of value you provide and the number of people you provide it to. So, focus on providing value and let the people who already know and understand the tech fill in the rest.<br> <br> When it comes to the “how” of your marketing, Mike points out a major flaw in many people’s marketing approach. He calls it “will you marry me marketing”. Meaning, way too many people attempt to go straight from meeting a person and making a contact directly to a sale. The vast majority of the time that is too much too fast. A nurturing process is required in order to gain that person’s trust.<br> <br> Another big piece of the “how” is how are you getting your message in front of people? Mike acknowledges a big pain point for entrepreneurs right now, which is being inundated with emails and that people simply don’t have time or aren’t willing to spend the time to watch long video sales letters any longer. <br> <br> His solution? <br> <br> Webinars.<br> <br> By inviting someone to a webinar, you’re essentially asking to schedule an appointment with them in advance. Ideally they are blocking their calendar and you have their undivided attention.<br> <br> The natural question that comes up when considering something like a webinar is how to you get traffic (registrants and attendees to sign up)?<br> <br> Mike’s put together a great resource for this called Traffic Genesis, available to preview and lifeonfire.wpengine.com/mikesgift!<br> <br> And, here’s a great way to tell if you’re marketing funnel is on track… If you’ve got people telling you they’ve received more value from the free stuff you give away (like training videos, etc.) then what they paid for in the past and you’ve got people asking how they can give you their credit before your product is even available to purchase, you know you’re on the right track!<br> <br> Mike’s final thought…<br> <br> Don’t let your cashflow situation definite who you are and how you feel about your life.<br> <br> Fantastic stuff,