Psst … The Secret Formula to Success

The  Edge Code: Creating a Profitable Business & Inspired Life! show

Summary: <br> <br> Alright, alright! I can't say I necessarily have the "secret formula" for success. That's because success is so subjective. What success means to me, may not necessarily hold true for you.<br> I think the best definition of success I've heard thus far was the one stated by Earl Nightingale,<br> Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.<br> Just read that one more time. Soak it in. Success. Is. The. Progressive. Realization. Of. A. Worthy. Ideal.<br> So at the end of the day, YOU determine what's a worthy ideal. And if your "worthy ideal" comes to fruition, than bingo!<br> <br> Be sure to visit <a href=""></a><a href=""> </a>and sign up for your free Audio and PDF and get instant clarity on what's working and not working in your life &amp; business and immediately transform any area of your life!<br>