America’s Political Revolution, with IQ al Rassooli

YOU TALKING TO ME? Malcolm Out Loud show

Summary: The time has come to take America back from the political and media elite ... and the power-hungry haven't a clue as to what the hell is going on!! We can all agree that this general election season is a new chapter in American politics. <br> <br> <br> My prediction - if the will of the people does not prevail - then watch for Americans to jump in their pickup trucks and their Cadillac's and descend on Washington D.C. for a different kind of conversation!  <br> <br> <br> Joining me is I.Q. al Rassooli, the Iraqi born Arabic speaker is among the foremost authorities in the world on the subjects of Islam. I.Q. studies American politics and understands this plight more than most Americans even. By the way - you can find the full interview back at or on iTunes and Stitcher.<br> <br> <br> I.Q. al Rassooli's monumental trilogy of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad &amp; Islam" is a must read for those who really want some truth with their knowledge!<br> <br> <br> <br>