Gorilla Story Outmuscles Chicago Violence, The News Awards

YOU TALKING TO ME? Malcolm Out Loud show

Summary: <br> Unless you're living in a remote, isolated region of America - then you know the story of the child who snuck into the gorilla habitat at the Cincinnati Zoo. Did you know that at the same time this message was being repeated again and again - there was another big story in limited circulation. It’s time to get Out Loud America with the Weekly Headline News Awards.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> The ’Turning a Blind Eye' AWARD goes to…<br> The ‘My Low is Higher Than Your Low' AWARD goes to…<br> The ‘Cool Dude' AWARD goes to…<br> ‘I’m in a Delusional State of Mind’, the AWARD goes to…<br> The ‘Mistaken Identity’AWARD goes to…<br> The ‘Extortion Payback' AWARD goes to…<br> <br> …and for the rest of the Out Loud truth I’ll see you back at <a href="http://americaoutloud.com/">AmericaOutLoud.com</a>. Get Involved. Get Loud America!<br> <br>