Strange Fruit #188: Leak Your Own Nudes?

Strange Fruit show

Summary: Now that smartphones all have cameras and photo editing software, sending sexy pictures has become an every day part of a lot of folks' sex lives. But with the normalization of sending nudes there's the risk that they could be shared with people they weren't intended for, or even posted publicly online. When that happens — usually to women — we hear lots of shaming and victim blaming. But a new art exhibit in Louisville asks what would happen if a woman refused to be shamed for taking and sending nudes and instead, leaked them herself? Tamika Dozier is one of the organizers of the LYON Urban Art Exhibit, happening on March 25 at Louisville's Black Lives Matter House. Dozier says the shame surrounding sexual photos is unnecessary. "If I take ownership and I stand in my own glory, you can't shame me about something I'm not shameful of." She joins us this week to talk about the exhibit, and some of the stories and photos that inspired it. And in our Juicy Fruit segment, we address feminist writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's comments about trans women.