Episode 165 - September Live Hangout

Game on Girl show

Summary: <br> For September  we close out summer talking about our favorite geeky amusements from the summer and delve into a conversation about conventions. We discuss books we are reading, and <a href="https://www.inkshares.com/books/mothering-the-game">one someone is writing</a>. We talk about games we've been playing; lots of phone and board games including Pandemic: The Cure. Binge watching addictions and series that may depend too heavily on nostalgia for the younger crowd.<br> In our discussions of the recent cons we've attended, we discuss what makes a con work and what stands out as a failure. Regina and Isabela talk about their first experience at Rose City Comic Con (they plan to go next year) and Rhonda's fifth year at Dragon Con (and likely her last). Have you ever felt like a con you were at turned into a Geek Zoo with people just coming to view the spectacle and not take part in the fandom?<br> We share some great swag we picked up in our show and tell segment and how much we appreciate the indie artists available at smaller con venues.  Who is your favorite artist you discover while walking through Artist Alley?<br> Share your con experience with us in the comments. The good, the bad, and the ugly! We want to know!<br> Until next time, get your geek on!<br> Regina, Rhonda, &amp; Isabela<br>