Marijuana Legalization and the Drug Wars – Part 1

JB Shreve presents the End of History show

Summary: Reading Time: 1 minuteIn an era when the definitions of right and wrong seem to be changing by the day, how do we confront modern issues from both reasonable and faith based perspectives? This 3-part podcast series looks at this question using the issue of marijuana legalization. Utilizing the historical facts and testing the traditional arguments on both sides of the issue JB Shreve brings it all together to look at how we determine what is right and wrong in a world when that is increasingly fluid.<br>  <br> This is a great series to listen to along with your teenage kids as you consider together what makes an action wrong and what makes it right?<br> <br> Episode 158 the End of History Podcast Series<br> Marijuana Legalization and the Drug Wars – Part 1: The Real Question <br>