Episode 23: An Interview with Louie Simmons

All Things Strength & Wellness show

Summary: This Episodes guest is Louie Simmons, who is the owner and founder of <a href="http://www.westside-barbell.com/">Westside Barbell</a> - The worlds strongest gym! <br> <br> Louie is the author of - <a href="http://www.westside-barbell.com/products/index.php?c=13">The Westside Book of methods</a>, and has also produce numerous<a href="http://www.westside-barbell.com/products/index.php?c=12">DVD products.</a> <br> <br> On this episode Louie and myself discussed - The Conjugate Method, problems Louie see's with the coaches trying to get their athletes strong, why Louie believes that the conjugate method can enhance athletic and powerlifting performance, and many more topics. <br> <br> I hope you guys enjoy the show. <br> <br> Stay Strong, <br> <br> RB