Episode 48: An Interview with Jim Wendler

All Things Strength & Wellness show

Summary: This Episodes Guest is <a href="http://www.jimwendler.com/">Jim Wendler</a>.<br> <br> The is a renowned writer and former competitive powerlifter.<br> <br> Jim is of course the developer and author of one of the most known training systems of the past 5 years <a href="http://store.jimwendler.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=5312edebook">5/3/1</a>.<br> <br> In the episode Jim and I discussed:<br> <br> - Jim's background<br> - Influences on Jim as a lifter, coach, and in life in general<br> - Problems that Jim sees with the Industry<br> - Dymanic Effort Training for beginners and in general<br> - 5/3/1<br> - Business <br> - Jim's current life and training goals<br> <br> <br> Hope you guys enjoy the show.<br> <br> Stay Strong,<br> RB<br>