Episode 133: 23 November 2015

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which Alisa has feelings about Lovecraft’s image being associated with (and from next year, removed from) the World Fantasy Award.<br> <br> WHAT'S NEW ON THE INTERNET<br> <br> World Fantasy Awards <a href="http://www.sfadb.com/World_Fantasy_Awards_2015">announced</a><br> <br> CULTURE CONSUMED<br> <br> ALEX: Alex: re-reading the James AS Corey series, The Expanse, books 1-3, so I could read the fourth one, Cibola Burn; Eff Yeah Film and Feminism podcast; Manners and Mutiny, Gail Carriger.<br> <br> ALISA: PhD research and experiments.<br> <br> TANSY: <a href="https://www.serialbox.com/serials/556fb93cada6e270f8e264d6">Tremontaine</a> Parts 1-3 by Ellen Kushner &amp; others, The Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho, I, Zombie, Supergirl, <a href="http://www.tor.com/2015/11/23/jessica-jones-television-review-season-1-episodes-1-and-2/">Jessica Jones</a><br> <br> Skype number: 03 90164171 (within Australia) +613 90164171 (from overseas)<br> <br> Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook, support us <a href="http://www.patreon.com/galacticsuburbia">at Patreon</a> and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!<br>