Episode 138 - Nice, But…..

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Blether is a reflection on how we are not perfect.<br> <br> Wots e Craic - <br> DroughtLander with Subway Knits podcast<br> 6BitsStorybooks - Digital magazine, first issue out this weekend, Subscribe at http://www.6bitsstorybooks.com/ and find the podcast there and on iTunes<br> <br> Competition <br> Amanda B Collins has a new eBook collection out As Autumn Falls. To win this listen and then do what I request.<br> <br> Review Section <br> A Good Yarn - Katherine Poulton<br> <br> Coming Up<br> Highland Wool Fest - Eden Court, Inverness, 17 October 2015<br> Glasgow School of Yarn - 23-24 October 2015<br> ICHF HobbyCraft Christmas - Glasgow SECC 22-25 October 2015<br> GeekyGirls Halloween Gilles Centre, Strathearn Road Edinburgh<br> <br> Tartantastic<br> Clan Lindsay this episode<br> <br> Me Me Me<br> <br> Shoppy Section<br> www.etsy.com/shop/caithnesscraft<br> <br> Blaaaaaa Bit<br> LouiseHunt on Ravelry caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com CaithnessCraftCollective Group on Raverly<br> CaithnessCraft on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter<br> www.caithnesscraftcollective.podbean.com for the podcast feed.<br>