529 – Whatever Happens, Use It – Mindset Training With Nam Baldwin - James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: In the podcast:<br> 03:13 – Our biggest driver<br><br> 05:35 – Can you be guided?<br><br> 10:01 – The role of experience<br><br> 12:33 – The mental side of physical sport<br><br> 17:37 – That thing called flow<br><br> 20:30 – Some effective anchors<br><br> 28:52 – Protecting our emotional horsepower<br><br> 30:35 – If others can do it…<br><br> 32:56 – Do you want to be in, or out?<br><br> 36:45 – Picking your board of directors<br><br> 41:24 – A quick summary<br> Get strategy and mindset tips to grow your business inside <a href="https://www.superfastbusiness.com/" target="_blank">SuperFastBusiness membership</a><br> <br> <a title="Download PDF" href="https://superfastbusiness.leadpages.co/leadbox/14e739933f72a2%3A9446bc637/5882089111027712/" target="_blank"> Download the PDF Transcription and 12 Insights and Tips for Achieving Better Performance Through Mindset</a><br> <br><br> <a href="https://superfastbusiness.leadpages.co/leadbox/14e739933f72a2%3A9446bc637/5882089111027712/"></a><br> Transcription:<br> James: James Schramko here. Welcome back to SuperFastBusiness.com. Today, I’m speaking with an expert in mindset. His name is Nam Baldwin from <a href="http://www.equalize.com.au/" target="_blank">Equalize.com.au</a>. Welcome to the call. <br> Nam: Thanks, James. Great to be here. <br> James: Now, we have a mutual friend. Someone who’s been on a previous episode or two on SuperFastBusiness, <a href="http://www.superfastbusiness.com/business/the-most-powerful-marketing-you-can-use-in-your-business-an-own-the-racecourse-case-study/" target="_blank">Brenton Ford</a>. He’s a swim coach, and he introduced us. <br> Nam: Yeah, great guy. I’ve been doing a session with him not so long ago. <br> James: I’ve been working with Brenton for many years. It’s been fun for me to get an insight into his world because as we get to develop products and look at how we package his business and sell training workshops, it’s been interesting just to develop an understanding of things like paddling technique, breathing technique, and as someone who’s taken up surfing in the last few years, I’ve been more and more interested in that. I’ve often wondered how some large, old dude can just paddle straight around me on a tiny, little shortboard when I’m struggling to make it out to the back, especially a year or two ago when I was on those Mini Mals as my training. <br> <a href="http://www.superfastbusiness.com/business/529-whatever-happens-use-it-mindset-training-with-nam-baldwin"></a>It seems that there can be quite different results gotten from just changing the way that you do things and especially the way that you think about things. Would you say that’s true?<br> Nam: Oh absolutely. Thoughts create feelings and feelings create the way in which we perform. The better the state, the better the feeling that we have within us, the better we allow ourselves to tap into the potential that we have. <br> James: So let’s talk about the things that you’ve been focusing on. From what I’ve read, you are an emotional and stress-control management specialist. You especially help people with breathing techniques. I noticed you help some big-wave riders and some Olympic kayak gold medalists, some footballers and even a world-surfing champion, Mick Fanning. That piqued my interest tremendously because of course he’s so popular in Australia that even regular people would know who he is. They would have seen him on TV, especially yesterday because <a href="http://www.blinksurf.com/surf-news/mick-fanning-wants-another-shot-at-2017-world-title/" target="_blank">he announced he’s going back on tour</a>, and he’s ready to take on another world title campaign. Have you been working with Mick?<br> Working with Mick Fanning<br>