Rand Paul 2016 Watch - April 15th thru April 21st

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Rand Paul returned to doing his customary media rounds last week following a few weeks of incredible headline-making. The Senator continued to defend his much maligned speech to the African-American student of Howard University and weighed in on hot-topic issues of the day like gun control, immigration, the Boston Marathon bombing and more. Sen. Paul rightly called out President Obama for blatantly exploiting the deaths of the Sandy Hook children for political gain, and using the parents of the deceased kids as stage props for a gun control agenda. Remember: never let a good crisis go to waste! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> <blockquote> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;">(0:00) <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbDnn74arRo" target="_blank">Adam Kokesh</a><span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul's Strategy Explained at Howard University" dir="ltr">: Rand Paul's Strategy </span><span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul's Strategy Explained at Howard University" dir="ltr"><span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul's Strategy Explained at Howard University" dir="ltr">at Howard University </span>Explained  (Messenger vs. Politician). What About Liberty?  (4/11)</span></p> <br> <br> <span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul's Strategy Explained at Howard University" dir="ltr">(16:28)</span> Rand Paul and America’s spiritual cleansing… <a href="http://stevedeace.com/headline/deace-show-podcast-04-16-13/" target="_blank">Steve Deace</a> spoke with David Brody of CBN, who recently asked Rand two-day’s worth of tough questions. (4/16) <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;">(40:37)<span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul Says He's Disappointing Obama Has Used The Families Of Gun Victims As Props" dir="ltr"> Rand Paul Speaks at the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Christian Science Monitor's</span> <em>Monitor Breakfast</em> </span>event for reporters at the St. Regis Hotel. Video coverage archived at <a href="http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/KYa" target="_blank">C-Span</a>. (4/17)</p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;">(1:29:45)<span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul On Immigration, Education, Boston Attack and Filibustering - Dennis Miller Show 4/17/2013" dir="ltr"> Rand Paul talks Immigration, Education, Boston Attack and Filibustering on <em>The Dennis Miller Show</em> - Video by YouTube User: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Un-n8TOAw" target="_blank">Eduardo89rp</a>. (4/17)</span></p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix-expander-head" style="vertical-align: top;" title="Rand Paul On Immigration, Education, Boston Attack and Filibustering - Dennis Miller Show 4/17/2013" dir="ltr">(1:38:05) </span><strong class="aodcolor"><a href="http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/show/the-dom-giordano-program/" target="_blank">Talk Radio 1210 WPHT's</a> (Phildelphia, PA) Dom Giordano speaks with Senator Rand Paul on the gun background check bill, Drones, the Gosnell trial, and his recent speech at Howard University. (4/17)</strong></p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><strong class="aodcolor">(1:47:40) Rand Paul Defends His Howard University Talk - Mike Sacks and Jon Ward discuss for <a href="http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/rand-paul-howard-university-gop-perception-racist/516bf26a02a7601899000645" target="_blank">HuffPost Live</a>. (4/17)</strong></p> <br> <p style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><strong class="aodcolor">(1:59:49)</strong><span class="watch-title long-title yt-uix"></span></p> </blockquote>