Rand Paul 2016 Watch - July 8th thru July 14th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Rand Paul 2016 Watch - July 8th thru July 14th. Links to the original media sources <br> are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order <br> listed below:<br><br>(0:00) <a title="Sen. Paul: US continuing to send aid to Egypt is a 'mistake'">Sen. Paul with </a><a href="http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2013/07/09/sen-paul-us-continuing-send-aid-egypt-mistake" target="" title="">FNC's</a><a title="Sen. Paul: US continuing to send aid to Egypt is a 'mistake'"> Eric Bolling: US continuing to send aid to Egypt is a 'mistake.' (7/8)<br><br>(7:26) <font size="2">Is Obama ignoring the law to continue aid to Egypt? Rand Paul on </font></a><a href="http://video.foxnews.com/v/2536248297001/is-obama-ignoring-the-law-to-continue-aid-to-egypt/" target="_blank" title="http://">Fox News'</a><a title="Sen. Paul: US continuing to send aid to Egypt is a 'mistake'"><font size="2"> <em>America's Newsroom</em>. (7/9)<br></font></a><div style="overflow: hidden; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-decoration: none;"> <font size="2"><br>(12:31) </font><font size="2"><a title="Rand Paul: President Obama thinks he's above the law">Rand Paul on </a></font><a href="http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-the-record/2013/07/11/rand-paul-president-obama-thinks-hes-above-law" target="_blank" title="http://">Fox News'</a><font size="2"><a title="Rand Paul: President Obama thinks he's above the law"> <em>On the Record</em>: President Obama thinks he's above the law. (7/10)<br><br>(18:07) </a></font><a href="http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/07/10/like-father-like-son-ron-paul-passes-the-neo-confederate-baton-to-rand.html" target="_blank" title="http://">The Daily Beast</a><a title="Rand Paul: President Obama thinks he's above the law"><font size="2">: Like Father, Like Son: Ron Paul Passes the 'Neo-Confederate' Baton to Rand. (7/10)<br><br>(19:30) </font><font size="2">Rand Paul and 'the Southern Avenger' - </font></a><a href="http://video.msnbc.msn.com/all-in-/52435553#52435553" target="_blank" title="http://">MSNBC's</a><a title="Rand Paul: President Obama thinks he's above the law"><font size="2"> </font><font size="2">Chris Hayes takes a look at Senator Rand Paul's staffer. (7/9)<br><br>(23:27) </font><font size="2">Top Democrat: McConnell should condemn Paul's 'Southern Avenger.' </font></a><a href="http://www.whas11.com/community/blogs/political-blog/Top-Democrat-McConnell-should-condemn-Pauls-Southern-Avenger--214908031.html" target="_blank" title="http://">WHAS11's</a><a title="Rand Paul: President Obama thinks he's above the law"><font size="2"> (ABC - Louisville, KY) Joe Arnold reports. (7/10)<br><br>(26:23) MSNBC's Alex Wagner with Wendy Weiser and Rep. Keith Ellison - </font><font size="2">Rand Paul employs 'neo-confederate activist.' (7/10)<br></font></a><div style="overflow: hidden; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: left; text-decoration: none;"><br></div> </div>