118. Mormon Marriage

Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show show

Summary: <br> 118. Mormon Marriage<br> <br> A story by Wilted_Flower was posted on the internet (http://redd.it/2pawvc). The author tells of her experience with several Mormon men which did not appear to result in marriage but with a non-Mormon man, their marriage was imminent. Her bishop discouraged this relationship. After a number years, at the age of 58, never married, she left the Church because it had robbed her of this one opportunity.   More than 200 comments were posted.<br> <br> <br> <br> I invited a guest to talk about the Church's teaching and encouragement about marriage in contrast to the claims of Wilted_Flower and most of the comments.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Guest: Paul Brandt is a psychotherapist specializing in individual, couples and family therapy. He has maintained a private practice in the Salt Lake City area for twenty-­two years. <br> <br> <br> These are phrases typical of those portraying the Church:<br> <br> I just hate the church and what it does to peoples lives.... No more mormon men for me.<br> <br> You were lied to, had your youth and your first love stolen from you... you missed your chance of happiness. <br> <br> This cult took everything from you.<br> <br> I hate seeing another example of the Mormon faith crushing the happiness out of a girl's life.<br> <br> Mormonism Enslaves women<br> ...indoctrinated and brainwashed<br> <br> <br> <br> Some discussion:<br> <br> There are many Church doctrines and teachings that seem contrary to the comments.<br> In regard to Wilted_Flower who made the decision?<br> Marriage is not for everyone<br> Mormonism is not for everyone<br> Many diverse views among LDS<br> There are many reasons for personal relationships not based upon indoctrination.<br> Paul discussed six stages of moral reasoning<br> A caller gave examples of mixed messages<br> Paul spoke of an LDS program - Strengthening Marriage - started about 6 years ago<br> A caller quoted from the Bishop's Handbook about regarding decisions on marriage or divorce<br> <br>