Shadow – Death On The Bridge. 400303

Suspense and Horror – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Title: The Bridge of Tragedy. <br> After six months off work, Bill comes home to tell his wife Myra that he has a new job. When she learns its the only kind of job Bill knows, up on the bridge, she would rather him not be in danger. Legend of a death siren has claimed lives of other workers, but Bill is confident it won’t affect him. He reports to his first day on the job and… does well in getting back into the swing of his old work. Will he hear the voice? <br> Getting word of the superstition, and the mysterious deaths, Lamonte Cranston is determined to expose the truth. His cabbie friend, Schrievie enters for a little comic relief, and to join Lamonte in posing as bridge workers. Unlike the fearful workers who don’t want to hear the voice, Lamonte hopes he will. <br> The Shadow uses his ability to cloud men’s minds to extract information. Enemies of the bridge contracted are discovered, but there’s still work to do to expose them. Will the mind power of the Shadow rise to the challenge of the legendary voice? Schrievie may have disturbing news for Margot Lane at the end of the day. Say it ain’t so! Has the Shadow finally met his match?<br>