Mysterious Traveller – Woman In Black. 470309 (RV35 retro522)

Suspense and Horror – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A newspaper repoerter encounders a beautiful, dark haired woman with a single name. Theda. When murders go down, she is always somewhere near by. Bill confronts the known gang leaders. What do they know about the mysterious Theda? <br> Gomez has survived the shooting, and Bill goes to the hospital. He is surprised to find Theda, and a Gomez who has just died of his wounmds… or has he been poisoned? Back in the news room Bill is on a crusade to bring justice down on the woman. The trouble is that nobody can seem to describe the woman on the scene. Was she a blonde, a brunette, the only constant is that she is beautiful<br> Facing down Theda, Bill grills her over being a killer. Claiming her innocence in such things, she mysteriously vanishes. Who is this strange woman who leaves a wwake of death in her footsteps? Why does Bill get the feeling he has seen her some place before? <br> Secrets are about to explode to the surface for Bill. Theda is linked to the ceaths, but not in the way that Bill had thought. <br> Bonus Track: <br> Cab Calloway 1947 Two Doors Down, Turn Right<br>