24 – Gluten-free – It Doesn’t Hurt To Try

PCOS Diva show

Summary: <p>Interview with <a href="http://pcosdiva.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Tom-headshot-7-21-15.jpg"><img class="wp-image-8004 alignleft" src="http://pcosdiva.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Tom-headshot-7-21-15.jpg" alt="Dr. Tom O’Bryan" width="160" height="240"></a>Dr. Tom O’Bryan, who is an internationally recognized expert on Celiac Disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.  <a href="http://pcosdiva.com/2012/03/go-gluten-free-for-pcos-part-1/">Inflammation due to gluten sensitivity is a central concern to women with PCOS</a>, so I was thrilled to interview him for our latest podcast.</p>