Ep 29 “Wrestling Figures are Coming Home”

Fullyposeable show

Summary: <font size="3"><br> <br> </font><br> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 8pt;"><font><font size="3">Jef and Scott discuss their Toyspotting for the week.<span>  </span>Will the Fonz be making an appearance every<br> week?<span>  </span>News for the week including the<br> newest FTC figure reveal and line series extension; Mattel Then, Now, Forever<br> elites are popping up, they go over WWE Metals, and why didn't they fix<br> Sasha?<span>  </span>They discuss Jakks Deluxe Series<br> 5.<span>  </span>Scott's surprise question. <span> </span>Some signing tips and it's the signing story<br> this week.<span>  </span>Trish, you’re cute, but Jef<br> needs his pen back. <span> </span>&lt;?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /&gt;</font></font></p><p></p><font size="3"><br> <br> </font>