IFH 059: How a 17 yr old Directed & Sold Her 1st Feature on 16mm Film

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Summary: Every once in a while I get sent a story that blows my mind. The story is a 17 year old 1st time director shoots and sells her first feature film (that was shot on 16mm Film) right out of the gate. How that hell does that happen? Well may I introduce you to Kansas Bowling, the director of the feature film B.C. Butcher. Inspired by the likes of Russ Meyer, Annette Funicello, and Roger Corman, Kansas and her friend Kenzie began writing a script in high school about a tribe of cavewomen being stalked by a prehistoric monster. FILMMAKING HACKS, Film Direction, film school, nina foch course, USC online course, film studies, filmmaking, filmmaker, indie film, film directing, film direction course, film making courses , online film school The film is unique in many ways, being a horror flick and a comedy, featuring live music, gore, gags, and campy historical inaccuracy. Because of this, immediately after shooting, “B.C. Butcher” caught the eye of Lloyd Kaufman (who will be a guest on the podcast in a few weeks), legendary producer/director and founder of Troma Entertainment Inc. Troma acquired the film for distribution and is now slated for a 2016 release.