Agent Carter S02E09 A Little Song And Dance Podcast – Defenders TV Podcast Episode 56

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Summary: We're back with the penultimate episode of the series in our Agent Carter S02E09 A Little Song And Dance Podcast. We talk about out top 5 points about this episode including the return of our favourite aspiring actress in a big musical number, a breakdown in Peggy and Jarvis relationship and a showdown with Whitney Frost at a her new headquarters a waste processing plant.<br> <br> <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-585"></a><br> <br> Synopsis for Agent Carter S02E09 A Little Song And Dance Podcast<br> <br> <br> Directed by:   <a href="" target="_blank">Jennifer Getzinger</a><br> <br> Teleplay by: <a href="">Chris Dingess </a><br> <br> Written by: <a href="" target="_blank">Michele Fazekas </a>and <a href="" target="_blank">Tara Butters</a><br> <br> Stranded in the desert, Daniel Sousa (<a href="" target="_blank">Enver Gjokaj</a>) and Dr Samberley (<a href="" target="_blank">Matt Braunger</a>) are forced to trust Jack Thompson (<a href="" target="_blank">Chad Michael Murray</a>) to get themselves back to the SSR alive and prevent Vernon's thugs from sending them to an early shallow grave. Also in the desert and still unconscious Peggy Carter (<a href="" target="_blank">Hayley Atwell</a>) grapples with "What she's gonna do" as her mind wanders between her thought on Dr Jason Wilkes (<a href="" target="_blank">Reggie Austin</a>) and Chief Daniel Sousa. However, as she revives in the back of one of Joseph Manfredi's (<a href="" target="_blank">Ken Marino) </a>trucks her and Jarvis (<a href="" target="_blank">James D'Arcy</a>) escape and Peggy is resolved to save Dr. Wilkes from Whitney Frost's new laboratory and her scheme to extract the Zero Matter from Wilke's body. Back at the SSR and against her better judgement, Peggy must form an unlikely partnership with Vernon Masters as Thompson has convinced Masters (<a href="" target="_blank">Kurtwood Smith</a>) and Peggy to work together using the gamma cannon against Whitney Frost (<a href="" target="_blank">Wynn Everett</a>) in order to restore order and save Wilkes. However, Jack Thompson wants more and makes a surprising move that could destroy them all, just as Wilkes begins to fracture as he loses control of the Zero Matter contained within him.<br> <br> John, Chris and Derek<br> <br> Defenders TV Podcast<br> <br> Date recorded: 28/03/2016<br> Date published: 29/03/2016<br> MP3, 45.52 mins, 128kbps, 42.2 MB<br> <br> All images and audio clips are copyright of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . This show is associated of the Flickering Myth Podcast Network. For more shows like this visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>